​Associate Trainer
Ms Paruvathy, has 12 years of experience been in the uniformed groups. She has completed her diploma in Business Management and Security Management. She also attains certifications in training and leadership.
With her experiences and background, she brings a unique blend of skills knowledge,and commitment to empower others to reach their potential.
Her journey in training has allowed her to interact and work closely with diverse groups of learners, ranging from fresh graduates to stakeholders of various fields.
She has also successfully designed and delivered training modules topics such as Human Resources, Business Management and Security.
She adapts to different learning styles and techniques to foster better understanding among candidates.She imparts knowledge,inspire and motivate individuals to strive for excellence.
Ms Paruvathy, strongly believes in lifelong learning and projects mid age career switch herself. As she embarks on the journey of learning together, she not only transfers knowledge but constantly learning and embracing new possibilities making her valuable to the industry.